Hermes MaiaStylesCharsSampleFeaturesPDF$11922 italic33 italic44 italic66 italic77 italic88 italic2 Caps3 Caps4 Caps6 Caps7 Caps8 CapstranslatedutchenglishfrenchgermanicelandicitalianpolishportuguesespanishswahiliswedishSTOP WORKINGTalk at great lengthADVOCATE CAUTIONSpread a disturbing rumorNEVER PERMIT SHORTCUTSInterrupt as frequently as you canMISUNDERSTAND EVERY ORDERTell the boss you’re anxious and afraidHAGGLE OVER PRECISE WORDINGSIllustrate each point with a long personal anecdoteDo not be afraid to commit acts for which you might be blamed directly, so long as you do so rarely, and as long as you have a plausible excuse: you dropped your wrench across an electric circuit because an air raid had kept you up the night before and you were half-dozing at work. Frequently you can get away with such acts under the cover of pretending stupidity, overcaution, fear of being suspected of sabotage, or weakness and dullness due to undernourishment. After you have committed an act of easy sabotage, resist any temptation to wait around and see what happens. Loiterers arouse suspicion.Do not be afraid to commit acts for which you might be blamed directly, so long as you do so rarely, and as long as you have a plausible excuse: you dropped your wrench across an electric circuit because an air raid had kept you up the night before and you were half-dozing at work. Frequently you can get away with such acts under the cover of pretending stupidity, overcaution, fear of being suspected of sabotage, or weakness and dullness due to undernourishment. After you have committed an act of easy sabotage, resist any temptation to wait around and see what happens. Loiterers arouse suspicion.Do not be afraid to commit acts for which you might be blamed directly, so long as you do so rarely, and as long as you have a plausible excuse: you dropped your wrench across an electric circuit because an air raid had kept you up the night before and you were half-dozing at work. Frequently you can get away with such acts under the cover of pretending stupidity, overcaution, fear of being suspected of sabotage, or weakness and dullness due to undernourishment. After you have committed an act of easy sabotage, resist any temptation to wait around and see what happens. Loiterers arouse suspicion.